By Joy Kuttappan, Assistant Coordinator, AIU Church Communication
Nearly after a gap of two years, AIU Church returned to face-to-face worship on May 14 and also joined the central zone churches in witnessing a mass baptism. The church was almost packed to celebrate the special Sabbath to worship God and to fellowship with each other along with many online viewers.
Another special feature of the Sabbath was that it coincided with the Care Group Virtual Congress held from May 13-14, 2022, by the Southern Asia Pacific Division (SSD).
After Pastor Surachet Insom welcomed the church to worship, the AIU President Dr. Siroj Sorajjakool delivered the Sabbath message entitled, “Tomorrow,” and Pastor Anupong Wongjirachok translated it.
Dr. Damrong Sattayawaksakoon welcomed the twenty-one baptismal candidates. From among the twenty-one candidates, four of them testified how God helped, guided, and led them to the truth.
After that, Pastor Franklin Hutabarat led the candidates to take the baptismal vows, Pastor Mahaingam Varah welcomed the new members to the Church, and Pastor Anupong prayed for the candidates.
Care Groups in Action
Success stories and testimonies from various countries within the division warmed up the audience for the Care Group Virtual Congress’s Saturday (Sabbath) morning meeting. Members of the Adventist Church have created timely, need-based ministries to attend to the communities’ wholistic needs. During the pandemic, some Adventist churches assisted hospitals in their respective areas by providing oxygen tanks for patients suffering from the pandemic. Others helped the government by distributing vaccines to communities that had not yet received them, reported the SSD Communication department.